The Path Splits, The Prodigal Returns
Having successfully killed all the Wargs (Ceri and Osiris had to go off and track the final one) the party decide to press on. They are immediately faced with a dilemma howvever as the weather changes and snow begins to fall. The war horses will not survive in the snow. Athmund explains that his father's stead is only a half day to the east but Osiris reports that they may not have the extra time as the snow will make tracking the Angmar group impossible if they lose more time. As it stands it is only because the troll is trailing the group that they (Baran) can follow the scent at all.
In the end Osiris leaves with Baran, tracking the troll and arranges to meet the rest of the group further up the trail. The remainder then head off to Athelstead where they are warmly met by Athel, Athmund's father, or as it turns out Step-father, as Athmund it seems is an orphan with an illustrious heritage! After some discussions the group has a good night's sleep and leaves the next morning properly equiped for the weather, taking good time in reindeer-pulled sleds.
They meet Osiris on the trail where it parts around Tir Na Madoch the posioned hills. To the west lies Clearwater, the poisoned marshes (Mercury Oxide if we knew such things), to the east a clear path that the ponies can safely take. The problem - the group have split - the troll and a couple of others one way, the rest the other.
A fairly heated debate follows during which it becomes clear to all that there is some unhappiness about the leadership of the group. Braggi accuses Osiris of "always talking over everyone else" and Owain that he "never listens". Osiris tells them to be quiet and that they should follow the eastern route. Athmund does a good job of mediating and before long the group is, in fact, taking the eastern route so they can safely stay with their steeds.
Fearing ambush the group goes carefully before it is ambushed! A short fights ensues during which Athmund is hit by a poisoned arrow and weakened. The three
Easterlings are captured and questioned and reveal that the party are on the right trail. They also reveal they were told to shoot the 'leader' of the group with the poison. This poison turns out to be Ethain - mortal to elves. Obviously someone knew who we were and planned for Osiris to be killed first.
Collecting themselves and healing their wounds (a light fight this time) they press on to an abandoned tower where they smell woodsmoke and, sure enough, find the remnants of a camp not a few hours old.
As the group scan the horizon from the tower for any sight of their quarry they hear the sound of running feet and, looking down, see an army of goblins rushing up the hill towards them....